Source code for Orange.classification.simple_tree

import ctypes as ct

import numpy as np
from Orange.base import Learner, Model

__all__ = ['SimpleTreeLearner']

from . import _simple_tree
_tree = ct.cdll.LoadLibrary(_simple_tree.__file__)

DiscreteNode = 0
ContinuousNode = 1
PredictorNode = 2
Classification = 0
Regression = 1
IntVar = 0
FloatVar = 1

c_int_p = ct.POINTER(ct.c_int)
c_double_p = ct.POINTER(ct.c_double)

class SIMPLE_TREE_NODE(ct.Structure):

SIMPLE_TREE_NODE._fields_ = [
    ('type', ct.c_int),
    ('children_size', ct.c_int),
    ('split_attr', ct.c_int),
    ('split', ct.c_float),
    ('children', ct.POINTER(ct.POINTER(SIMPLE_TREE_NODE))),
    ('dist', ct.POINTER(ct.c_float)),
    ('n', ct.c_float),
    ('sum', ct.c_float),

_tree.build_tree.restype = ct.POINTER(SIMPLE_TREE_NODE)
_tree.new_node.restype = ct.POINTER(SIMPLE_TREE_NODE)

class SimpleTreeNode:

[docs] class SimpleTreeLearner(Learner): """ Classification or regression tree learner. Uses gain ratio for classification and mean square error for regression. This learner was developed to speed-up random forest construction, but can also be used as a standalone tree learner. min_instances : int, optional (default = 2) Minimal number of data instances in leaves. When growing the three, new nodes are not introduced if they would result in leaves with fewer instances than min_instances. Instance count is weighed. max_depth : int, optional (default = 1024) Maximal depth of tree. max_majority : float, optional (default = 1.0) Maximal proportion of majority class. When this is exceeded, induction stops (only used for classification). skip_prob : string, optional (default = 0.0) Data attribute will be skipped with probability ``skip_prob``. - if float, then skip attribute with this probability. - if "sqrt", then `skip_prob = 1 - sqrt(n_features) / n_features` - if "log2", then `skip_prob = 1 - log2(n_features) / n_features` bootstrap : data table, optional (default = False) A bootstrap dataset. seed : int, optional (default = 42) Random seed. """ name = 'simple tree' def __init__(self, min_instances=2, max_depth=32, max_majority=0.95, skip_prob=0.0, bootstrap=False, seed=42): super().__init__() self.min_instances = min_instances self.max_depth = max_depth self.max_majority = max_majority self.skip_prob = skip_prob self.bootstrap = bootstrap self.seed = seed
[docs] def fit_storage(self, data): return SimpleTreeModel(self, data)
class SimpleTreeModel(Model): def __init__(self, learner, data): X = np.ascontiguousarray(data.X) Y = np.ascontiguousarray(data.Y) W = np.ascontiguousarray(data.W) self.num_attrs = X.shape[1] self.dom_attr = data.domain.attributes self.cls_vars = list(data.domain.class_vars) if len(data.domain.class_vars) != 1: n_cls = len(data.domain.class_vars) raise ValueError("Number of classes should be 1: {}".format(n_cls)) if data.domain.has_discrete_class: self.type = Classification self.cls_vals = len(data.domain.class_var.values) elif data.domain.has_continuous_class: self.type = Regression self.cls_vals = 0 else: raise ValueError("Only Continuous and Discrete " "variables are supported") if isinstance(learner.skip_prob, (float, int)): skip_prob = learner.skip_prob elif learner.skip_prob == 'sqrt': skip_prob = 1.0 - np.sqrt(X.shape[1]) / X.shape[1] elif learner.skip_prob == 'log2': skip_prob = 1.0 - np.log2(X.shape[1]) / X.shape[1] else: raise ValueError( "skip_prob not valid: {}".format(learner.skip_prob)) attr_vals = [] domain = [] for attr in data.domain.attributes: if attr.is_discrete: attr_vals.append(len(attr.values)) domain.append(IntVar) elif attr.is_continuous: attr_vals.append(0) domain.append(FloatVar) else: raise ValueError("Only Continuous and Discrete " "variables are supported") attr_vals = np.array(attr_vals, dtype=np.int32) domain = np.array(domain, dtype=np.int32) self.node = _tree.build_tree( X.ctypes.data_as(c_double_p), Y.ctypes.data_as(c_double_p), W.ctypes.data_as(c_double_p), X.shape[0], W.size, learner.min_instances, learner.max_depth, ct.c_float(learner.max_majority), ct.c_float(skip_prob), self.type, self.num_attrs, self.cls_vals, attr_vals.ctypes.data_as(c_int_p), domain.ctypes.data_as(c_int_p), learner.bootstrap, learner.seed) def predict(self, X): X = np.ascontiguousarray(X) if self.type == Classification: p = np.zeros((X.shape[0], self.cls_vals)) _tree.predict_classification( X.ctypes.data_as(c_double_p), X.shape[0], self.node, self.num_attrs, self.cls_vals, p.ctypes.data_as(c_double_p)) return p.argmax(axis=1), p elif self.type == Regression: p = np.zeros(X.shape[0]) _tree.predict_regression( X.ctypes.data_as(c_double_p), X.shape[0], self.node, self.num_attrs, p.ctypes.data_as(c_double_p)) return p else: assert False, "Invalid prediction type" def __del__(self): if hasattr(self, "node"): _tree.destroy_tree(self.node, self.type) def __getstate__(self): dict = self.__dict__.copy() del dict['node'] py_node = self.__to_python(self.node) return dict, py_node def __setstate__(self, state): dict, py_node = state self.__dict__.update(dict) self.node = self.__from_python(py_node) # for pickling a tree def __to_python(self, node): n = node.contents py_node = SimpleTreeNode() py_node.type = n.type py_node.children_size = n.children_size py_node.split_attr = n.split_attr py_node.split = n.split py_node.children = [ self.__to_python(n.children[i]) for i in range(n.children_size)] if self.type == Classification: py_node.dist = [n.dist[i] for i in range(self.cls_vals)] else: py_node.n = n.n py_node.sum = n.sum return py_node # for unpickling a tree def __from_python(self, py_node): node = _tree.new_node(py_node.children_size, self.type, self.cls_vals) n = node.contents n.type = py_node.type n.children_size = py_node.children_size n.split_attr = py_node.split_attr n.split = py_node.split for i in range(n.children_size): n.children[i] = self.__from_python(py_node.children[i]) if self.type == Classification: for i in range(self.cls_vals): n.dist[i] = py_node.dist[i] else: n.n = py_node.n n.sum = py_node.sum return node # for comparing two trees def dumps_tree(self, node): n = node.contents xs = ['{', str(n.type)] if n.type != PredictorNode: xs.append(str(n.split_attr)) if n.type == ContinuousNode: xs.append('{:.5f}'.format(n.split)) elif self.type == Classification: for i in range(self.cls_vals): xs.append('{:.2f}'.format(n.dist[i])) else: xs.append('{:.5f} {:.5f}'.format(n.n, n.sum)) for i in range(n.children_size): xs.append(self.dumps_tree(n.children[i])) xs.append('}') return ' '.join(xs) def to_string(self, node=None, level=0): """Return a text-based representation of the tree. Parameters ---------- node : LP_SIMPLE_TREE_NODE, optional (default=None) Tree node. Used to construct representation of the tree under this node. If not provided, node is considered root node. level : int, optional (defaul=0) Level of the node. Used for line indentation. Returns ------- tree : str Text-based representation of the tree. """ if node is None: if self.node is None: return '(null node)' else: node = self.node n = node.contents if self.type == Classification: format_str = format_leaf = format_node = None else: format_str = f"({self.domain.class_var.format_str}: %s)" format_leaf = " --> " + format_str format_node = "%s " + format_str if n.children_size == 0: if self.type == Classification: node_cont = [round(n.dist[i], 1) for i in range(self.cls_vals)] index = node_cont.index(max(node_cont)) major_class = self.cls_vars[0].values[index] return ' --> %s (%s)' % (major_class, node_cont) else: return format_leaf % (n.sum / n.n, n.n) else: attr = self.dom_attr[n.split_attr] node_desc = indent = '\n' + ' ' * level if self.type == Classification: node_cont = [round(n.dist[i], 1) for i in range(self.cls_vals)] ret_str = indent + '%s (%s)' % (node_desc, node_cont) else: ret_str = indent + format_node % (node_desc, n.sum / n.n, n.n) for i in range(n.children_size): if attr.is_continuous: split = '<=' if i % 2 == 0 else '>' split += attr.format_str % n.split ret_str += indent + ': %s' % split else: ret_str += indent + ': %s' % attr.values[i] ret_str += self.to_string(n.children[i], level + 1) return ret_str